Useful Tweaks for ModSec


Welcome to PuntaPirata
Please find here some info about ModSecurity, one of the best modules created for hardening a server.
If you have not done it yet, we recommend to install the latest modsec version 2.6.X, you can find helpful info about doing this at  www.modsecurity.org.
Also, if you like to learn more about ModSecurity, look at  ModSecurity Documentation, where you can read about all the commands that the core rules uses.
Another great site that we recommend you to visit is www.GotRoot.com where you can download great free core rules for ModSecurity, the only backward is that the rules are 3 months old. If you can afford to spend some bucks, we recommend that you try www.AtomiCorp.com, where you can buy a suscription for ModSec rules and you will get up to date core rules and the help of debugging any rule that were doing a false positive in your server.
If you find any bug in our web site, we ask you to let us know by posting on the following thread at Cpanel Forum:  http://forums.cpanel.net/f185/modsecurity-auto-updater-147745.html 
Once again, thank your for stopping at our site.
Last Revised: May, 10th, 2012
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Guatemala, the country of the Ethernal Spring